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Parochial School Fundraising Case Study: St. Lucy Parish School

The benefits of a parochial education— values-added education, higher standardized testing scores, and lower dropout rates —come with the price tag of tuition costs. In order to make tuition more affordable for everyone, it’s important to have a solid  private school fundraising plan. So how can parochial schools raise money without causing fundraising fatigue?

Raising Money Without Causing Fundraising Fatigue

St. Lucy Parish School, located in Racine, Wisconsin, answered this dilemma with one word: scrip. The school has been home to a successful scrip fundraising program for the past 15 years. We had a chance to talk with them about how they turned fundraising fatigue into a fundraising success story. To help you out, we've compiled their experience in a case study that covers:

  • How St. Lucy’s tackled the same problems many parochial schools face
  • Why they chose scrip fundraising
  • How scrip fundraising has helped their school
  • Insights into running a successful program

Ready to learn how to supercharge your fundraising, without wearing out your students and families? Download the case study today.

Ready to start earning?

Here are some next steps to get the ball rolling:

  1. See why RaiseRight is the #1 fundraising idea for schools.
  2. Learn more about how gift card fundraising works.
  3. Download the Gift Card Fundraising Playbook and share it with other parents.
  4. Start a free program by completing a short, online enrollment form.  

If you’re a member of an organization looking to join an existing program, you just need your enrollment code to create an account and begin fundraising right away.